Huib Blom - link externo: D o go n - i m a g e s & t r a d i t i o n s
Today, Dogon country is accessible to all. It has not always beenlike that. In the past, the outer limits of the great West Africanempires only but touched its mountainous contours. It was, to acertain extent, a safe havenfor local populations seeking protectionfrom newly emerging regional powers. Some Arab manuscripts of the16th and 17th centuries refer to it in vague terms. It would bewrong, however, to consider this country as an impregnable fortressinhabited by a homogeneous people living in isolation from theoutside world. (arquivo PDF)
Apart from some personal observations, thetext that follows is based on the numerous ethnographic studies that have been conducted in Dogon country. It is an attempt to put aselection of photos in its cultural and historical & text : Huib Blom - sketches : Arian & Anneke Blom. (arquivoPDF)
See more about Dogon at author's site: Huib Blom: